Gogh modern

About the word "modernistic" in my URL: "Modernistic" is the title of one of my favorite jazz CDs by a great pianist, Jason Moran, who hails from Houston and studied with Jaki Byard. "Modernistic" is Moran's solo outing. It demonstrates quite beautifully how JaMo pays homage to past jazz greats and puts his own gangsta spin on the music, blending past and present and creating music that gives me hope for the future of the genre. I've noticed that when I've had a couple of (okay, well, several) drinks at home with friends, I put on Moran's music and subtly proselytize (well, I'd like to think I'm subtle, but that's doubtful).
Labels: jazz
Hey Nommi Nommi! Way to go! And what a sexy cat picture.
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